It is a service provider which is based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) offering many government-related services to the person and the business. Tasheel is known for its role in giving various government transactions and services, making it easier for individuals and businesses to interact with government agencies.
Here are some of the services that Tasheel usually offers in Dubai and UAE:
1. Visa and Immigration Services:
Tasheel assists with various visa and immigration related processes, including visas, extensions and cancellations.
2. Employment Services:
Tasheel assists companies and individuals with employment-related services such as work permits, employment contracts and other employment-related documents.
3. Business Services:
Tasheel provides services to businesses related to business licenses, permits and other regulatory requirements.
4. Emirates ID Services: assistance in applying for and renewing Emirates ID cards.
5. Health insurance services:
To facilitate the provision and renewal of health insurance in accordance with the law.
6. Vehicle Services:
Tasheel can assist with vehicle registration, driver’s license renewal and other vehicle and transportation related services.
7. Notary and legal services:
Notary of documents and other legal services.
8. Payment services:
Tasheel often offers payment services for government fees and fines, making it easier for individuals and businesses to meet their obligations.
It is important to note that the services offered by Tasheel may vary by branch and location. The company operates through a network of service centers throughout the United Arab Emirates. If you need help with any country-specific events or services, you can visit Tasheel’s service center or check their official website for more information on services and opening hours.